"Keeping the Peace""Keeping the Peace"Summary by Michael Schwartz ©1997 Copyright Rainbow Productions - All Rights Reserved. UpBeat and the UpBeat logo are service-marks of Rainbow Productions Back to Upbeat News Page

Hawthorne, CA - As Noah protected the animals through rough waters in his ark, Carol Adams sails a 'ship' of her own, The Peacekeeper's Ark -- an organization she founded. "Its devoted to teaching kids the ways of peaceful conflict resolution, and practicing it. A.R.K. stands for 'Acknowledge and Reward Kids; its a great system that shifts the focus to good behavior," says Carol.

Carol's efforts began after her involvement in the relief effort following the 1992 LA Riots. She has made the Peacekeeper's Ark her personal mission, marked by the fact that her daughter lives in south central Los Angeles, the very core area she targets with her mission of peace.

When she visited the elementary schools she discovered children who were becoming completely desensitized to violence, and had come to accept violence as a norm. It is Carol's resolve to change this disturbing trend.

Today over 400 children take part in this program designed to teach them the skills necessary to resolve conflicts with talking rather than with violence. Ron Roebuck, mediation advisor to Peacekeeper's Ark, explains that kids take part in a six step program that demonstrates ways of alternative conflict resolution. Not only do they learn the skills but they also pass them onto other children.

Hawthorne students at Laker's GameAs rewards for their good behavior, the kids are given a variety of incentives ranging from trips backstage at Laker's games to shopping sprees at major clothing stores. Now, the future is brighter for the Peacekeeper's ARK and our children, thanks to Carol Adams.

"It isn't right to fight. You've got to talk it out." - Charles Smith, Peacekeeper

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